Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Communal harmony: need of the hour Essay

There is hardly any other country in the world than India which has a great diversity of culture, religion, language, tradition, community etc. People live and think in terms of their respective religions, faiths and tongues, and seek to serve their selfish ends without thinking of the national good. Such thinking is dangerous and is bound to lead to the disintegration of the country in the long run. The need of the hour, therefore, is to fight the forces of disunity and disharmony and to work ceaselessly for the achievement of national harmony and peace. Communal harmony is the coming together of all the communities of the country and living together with a sense of brotherhood and equality, irrespective of their caste, creed, religion etc. We should sink our personal differences in larger interests of the country and adopt a common approach to national problems if we want to achieve the laudable goal of national integration and communal harmony. Attrocities are being committed in our country, day in and day out, in the name of caste, sect, community, social and economic differences and divergent political veiwpoints. Extremists and terrorists who have let loose the reign of terror in some parts of our country and have killed hundreds of innocent and peace-loving citizens, are being lionised as martyrs. It is our bounden duty, as patriotic citizens of our country, to fight tooth and nail against these anti-social elements who are bent upon destroying the unity and integration of the country. So our goal is clear, to put a stop to the process of disintegration that has lately started raising its ugly head and to accelerate the process of communal harmony, solidarity and oneness that has recently received a setback. How to achieve this is the main problem? We have to make all our brethren feel that the whole country belongs to them, that there is no high and low in our country, that there is no distinction between the

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How Does Williams want us to feel about Blanche in the opening scene?

At the start of the scene, the Blanche is introduced dressed conspicuously in white, â€Å"as if she were arriving at a summer tea or cocktail party†. Williams is trying to portray a sense of youth, innocence and purity in her clothing, but she is obviously out of place; however she is also described as a â€Å"moth†-an unpleasant creature of the dark, so there is obviously more to her than meets the eye. She has an air of great self-importance and she is posh, and therefore slightly out of place. She is used to grander settings than Elysian Fields: â€Å"Her expression is one of shocked disbelief†. She is also unimpressed at the state of her sister's house. She is also very rude and dismissive towards people of lower status, like her overly-helpful neighbour Eunice. After at first failing to get rid of her with boring, one-word answers, she frankly tells her to go away: â€Å"What I meant was I'd like to be left alone†, offending Eunice. She feels superior to Eunice, and is not used to having to answer questions from people she deems to be below her. Once alone, Blanche begins to explore her sister's house. Her eye is caught by a bottle of whiskey in a half-opened closet, and we find out that she is no novice when it comes to drinking. Whereas before she was sitting â€Å"in a chair very stiffly with her shoulders slightly hunched†, now she â€Å"springs up and crosses to it (the whiskey)†. She ‘tosses down' half a tumbler, before hiding the evidence, thus revealing her secretive nature. This theme of her secret drinking habit continues throughout the first scene, as she lies about drinking and even has the temerity to claim that ‘one's her limit'. She is also patronising and rude towards Stella. She joyously embraces her sister, talking far too much while trying to maintain her disguise: â€Å"turn that light off!†¦I won't be looked at in this merciless glare!† She doesn't want her sister to see that she is drunk or see through the facade of youthfulness. She then orders her about patronisingly while condemning her home: â€Å"What are you doing in a place like this?† After at first putting up with her sister's degrading comments about her house, Stella describes her as â€Å"intense†, which describes her perfectly. Blanche is also very quick to accuse her sister, in a bid to deflect attention away from her own short-comings: â€Å"You thought I'd been fired?† She leaves a lot of things unsaid, such as her reason for leaving her job. She also feels the need for approval from her sister, especially appearance-wise. She orders Stella to â€Å"stand up†, before patronisingly referring to her as a â€Å"little partridge† and informing her that she's â€Å"put on some weight†. Her sister puts up with it thought, obligingly telling her: â€Å"It's just incredible, Blanche, how well you're looking†. Blanch is very quick to judge, right from the very start; she is unimpressed by the local area, the neighbours, her sister's home and even her husband's nationality; she ignorantly refers to Polish people as â€Å"something like the Irish, aren't they†¦only not so – highbrow?† She is keen to impose herself upon the local community, again showing her insatiable need to be liked by others. Eventually she moves on to why she came to be here, apart from â€Å"taking a leave of absence† from the school. She gives some lame excuses, like â€Å"I want to be near you† but betrays her cover with the stage direction â€Å"Her voice drops and her look is frightened†. However she is able to recover herself enough to launch into a hyperbolic defence of herself after losing the family home, even blaming Stella for leaving: â€Å"You're a fine one to sit there accusing me of it!† She also exaggerates greatly, claiming â€Å"I fought for it, bled for it, almost died for it†.

Monday, July 29, 2019

INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT - Essay Example Total quality management is an approach to manufacturing in which organizations strive to try and continuously improve the quality of products and services that are offered to their customers. TQM was developed in response to the continuous production of high quality goods at cheap rates. The concept of TQM became popular in early 1980s. The proper implementation of TQM within an organization ensured that process and waste from the processes used by an organization were completely removed (Ross & Perry, 1999). The problem associated with implementing TQM at a university is recognizing the main customers. Unlike most large organizations a university does not produce any product or does not provide regular service. Experts however believe that for a university its customers would be students towards whom the staff focuses on adding value. Needs of the customer TQM is a customer based approach where the organization completely focuses its efforts resources on trying to fulfill the needs of the customer and ensure that the customer remains satisfied. Value is continuously added towards the customer and it is ensured that the basic aim of the organization is the fulfillment of their expectations from the organization (Padhi, 2010). At Cardiff Metropolitan University the teaching and the support staff place a great deal of effort in ensuring that students of the university are provided with the best education and additional services. In addition the student’s expectation of the university preparing them for the real world is also worked on and students are ensured that their hard works is paid off when their career flourishes after they graduate. Investigating cost related to quality As mentioned above the concept of TQM greatly revolves around providing value to the customer. It is important that the quality provided to the customer is of top notch and therefore continuous improvements within quality is necessary. To do so organizations have to analyze the co st of improving the quality and reduce it as much as possible (Shim & Siegel, 1999). At Cardiff Metropolitan University quality cannot be compromised on. The management of the university has to ensure that the quality of education and support is such that students can easily grasp the concepts taught to them and are able to implement these concepts to enhance their careers. Furthermore the university also focuses on improving the environment that they get at the campus and ensure that it is comfortable enough for them to adjust. Developing systems that support quality improvements Systems that are developed within an organization must have their focus towards quality and must be flexible enough to include any improvements that are made to the process. Such procedures are vital with respect to TQM (Shim & Siegel, 1999). Designing processes whose main focus is quality at a university would significantly improve not only the graduation rate but would also help students with securing a bright future for themselves. Covering all parts of the organization To increase productivity within the organization’s employees it is necessary that they are provided with the proper training and ensuring all the basic parts are covered. Employees must be fully aware of their role within the organization and their role in helping establish an ideal TQM environment (Snell & Bohlander, 2011). Staff at the university must be aware of how they are to approach a student. Each student has a different nature and may react differently in different situations. Proper

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Important phenomenon of interpersonal communication Essay

Important phenomenon of interpersonal communication - Essay Example This paper will focus on the interpersonal relationships found in business, such as between customers and companies, among co-workers, and between managers/supervisors and their subordinates. This paper provides an empirical description of the Social Exchange Theory, a theoretical explanation of the phenomenon, and a critical evaluation of the validity and utility of the theoretical explanation. There is an empirical description of the Social Exchange Theory, which begins with the concept of knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing is an important goal of interpersonal communication at organizations, because it can yield competitive advantages (Wu et al. 84). Nonetheless, organizations do not always exert adequate effort to develop mechanisms that successfully persuade employees to share knowledge (Wu et al. 84). Knowledge is precious and knowledge-sharing behavior is an example of social exchange in the workplace (Wu et al. 84). People who have the knowledge do not always feel free to s hare them, unless there are perceived benefits in doing so, which is a fundamental argument of the Social Exchange Theory. ... ndividual altruism† and â€Å"a social interaction environment.† The sampling came from Taiwanese high-tech industries, particularly research and development (R&D) teams. Finding showed that employees’ â€Å"perceived interpersonal trust,† from colleagues or supervisor, was found to be positively associated with their propensity to share knowledge (91). Employees’ altruism is also a trait that affected the tendency to share knowledge in the workplace and altruism also lessened the association between trust of colleagues and knowledge sharing (91). Furthermore, an â€Å"organizational social interaction environment† improves the positive association between trust of colleagues and knowledge sharing (91). Hence, trust is critical to knowledge sharing or the formation of some of the basic interpersonal relations that organizations require to become competitive. Whitener et al. explored the kinds of behavior managers may perform to build trust. Th ey used the agency and social exchange theories and proposed an exchange relationship framework that recognizes organizational, relational, and individual factors that support or restrain managerial trustworthy behavior. Their model argued for the importance of trust in creating strong and knowledge-sharing relationships. The empirical research showed that the social exchange theory is grounded on trust and from trust and expectations of benefits, positive social exchange can occur. A theoretical explanation of the phenomenon will further help understand the social exchange theory. The social exchange theory, as developed by Blau in 1964, states that an individual may seek to create an exchange relationship with others by willingly giving benefits to others first and then expecting some level of return in the future (Wu et al.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Impact of Language Barriers on Refugees Education Research Paper

Impact of Language Barriers on Refugees Education - Research Paper Example The paper stresses the issue of language barriers among refugee students is inadequately addressed by current academic programs in the United States. When refugee students enroll in schools, they are separately taken through intensive language acquisition programs before being merged with the mainstream student population. At the end of the intensive programs, which last for approximately six months, instructors presume that the refugee students are sufficiently proficient in the instruction language. However, these students do not acquire substantial skills within the 6-months programs that will enable them to compete objectively with other proficient students. In this case, I agree with the purpose of intensive programs in facilitating language literacy among refugee students. In conclusion, it remains evident that language barriers, specifically the issues of second language instruction and limited confidence in social language, are undermining the education of refugee students in US schools. Language barriers, which could be pre-immigration or post-immigration in nature, compromise on the eventual outcomes of refugee students’ academic journeys. Despite the presence of adaptive instructional programs to enhance the proficiency of language among refugees in US schools, more still needs to be done to neutralize obstacles presented by pre-immigration and post-immigration language barriers. Undeniably, research of such topics is important in improving the education lives of refugees living in non-native cultures across the world.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Knowledge management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Knowledge management - Essay Example Most huge profit seeking companies and non-profit companies have dedicated their resources to efforts towards managing internal Knowledge as a business strategy. However, they usually seek consultancy services from companies specialized in providing knowledge management services. This companies focus on knowledge management and sharing as a business strategy in an effort towards achieving competitive advantage, high performance, continuous improvement, and innovation in the organization (Rollett 6). Knowledge management encompasses a number of perspectives such as techno centric, ecological, and organizational perspectives. Techno centric perspective focuses on technological practices that enhance creation and sharing of knowledge while organizational perspective focuses on organization structure that facilitates best knowledge processes. On the other hand, ecological perspectives focus on complex adaptive system through interaction of knowledge, people, and the environment with rega rds to the ecosystem. In general, terms, the core components of Knowledge management are the technological aspects, people, organization structure, and processes. Knowledge Management Dimensions Varying dimensions of Knowledge can be distinguished by different frameworks with regards to tacit and explicit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is the kind of knowledge that people hold in their minds consciously in a form where the individual can decide to communicate the knowledge to others. On the other hand, tacit knowledge is the knowledge that is internalized in an individual mind and the person holding the knowledge is not consciously aware about the application and sharing of the knowledge. Basically, the contextual perspective of knowledge refers to conditions where knowledge can be stored easily since it can be codified while on the other hand, knowledge aspects recognizes perspectives where knowledge sharing poses a difficulty and even an impossibility outside the particular site wh ere it was initially develop. However, there are possibilities of successfully converting tacit knowledge that is internalized into explicit knowledge that will enable easy sharing of the knowledge. The conversion processes needs to enable individuals to internalize the knowledge and come up with codified knowledge that is meaningful to third parties accessing the information. Conversion of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge entails simplification of the complex knowledge and thus beats the logic of its complexity particularly in case of oversimplification. More to the tacit and explicit knowledge framework is the embedded verses embodied knowledge differentiation framework and new verses established knowledge framework. Embedded knowledge concerns knowledge embedded in an information system designed outside a human mind individual while embodied knowledge is kind of knowledge established in the human mind of an individual with learned capabilities in the endocrine and nervous system (Gottschalk 13). On the other hand, distinction framework exists between new knowledge exploratory creation and innovation verses the exploitation and transfer of knowledge that is already established in an

Population ontrol Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Population ontrol - Research Paper Example Population growth control has born fruits in developing nations. Most of these nations experience declining populations that resulted from the population growth control initiatives (Binstock & George, 1990). In developing countries, the rate of fertility is said to be over six per cent. The use of contraceptives is despised. This means the population control problem has not been solved (Eastwood & Lipton, 1999). According to Eastwood & Lipton (1999), the death rate affects the population projections and population growth control. The highest population growth is found in the poorest countries. The relationship between poverty and population growth is seen as inconsequential where fertility is high in the poorest percentage of the developing countries (Eastwood & Lipton, 1999). This leaves substantial room for debate to the appropriateness of population growth control. Population growth control is perceived to be either ethical or unethical. Population growth control is directly proportional to the quality of life (Livi-Bacci & De Santis, 2004). According to some collective initiative approaches, family planning policy or policies are influential tools to enhance the development. The approach views population growth in terms of sharing resources and development of infrastructure. According to Cleland, low population growth in some countries had led to economic growth.... According to Cleland, low population growth in some countries had led to economic growth. This has been helpful in fertility and poverty reduction. Population growth control is driven by a practical rationale of offering quality health care and upbringing to the family. The need to have a quality life and health populations is seen as the major reason for population control (Binstock & George, 1990). As a result, it is rational to pro-active to safeguard the future as pro population control growth collective urges (Eastwood & Lipton, 1999). According to the research, there is no clear dichotomy when it comes to the relationship between poverty and fertility. Binstock and George (1990) argue that poor people can choose large families as a rational way of dealing hardships. Large populations are expected to strain the ability of the government to avail quality services (Livi-Bacci & Gustavo, 2004). This must be perceived in terms of projections (Birdsall & Allen, 2001). Population grow th means the policies makers must keep evaluating the policies and projections. A fifth of the world’s richest people use resources over sixty six times compared to the world's poorest fifth (Eastwood & Lipton, 1999). This suggests that the little population growth in western nations means wastage of resources. Research shows they spend more than the poor nations where population growth is not controlled. The argument that population control is ethical fails to answer the concern by the over usage of resources in the developed countries (Eastwood & Lipton, 1999). The morality of using family control measures has been a source of controversy. In some remote cultures, population control is viewed to be unethical and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Sun Yat Sen and Democracy in China - Indispensable to each other A Dissertation

Sun Yat Sen and Democracy in China - Indispensable to each other A Critical Analysis - Dissertation Example He focused on modernizing the Chinese economy on the lines of the Western model (focusing on the British model) and sought to achieve his objective with the help of the Western civilization (British civilization). As a result, Chinese historians have been interested in examining the life, philosophy, and work of Sun Yat Sen. From Chinese historical accounts, it is clear that Sun’s contribution in the development of modern Chinese democratic republic is highly significant (Bergerie & Lloyd, 1998, p 1). Sun Yat-Sen’s family was farmers and devoted the early stages of his life (upto 6 years of age) in farming activities like herding cows. After this time, he was a member of the secret societies, such as Furen Literary Society, Revive China Society, and in 1888 he directed his efforts in voicing the grievances of the peasant communities. After 1890, he gradually became a part of the new emerging intelligentsia of the Chinese society. Yat-Sen joined the Revolutionary Allianc e (), a ‘nationalist and republican revolutionary party’ (, , , ) of China and ‘finally became its official leader’. The Revolutionary Alliance under the leadership of Yat-Sen proceeded to plan a way of putting an end to the then Chinese governmental regime (the Qing government). After this revolution in 1905 China’s famous revolution of 1911 occurred. In the aftermath of the revolution, Sun Yat-Sen became the President of the Chinese Republic for a brief period of time, from 1911 to 1912. However, the republican form of governance did not continue for long and rapidly deteriorated into a dictatorship regime. However, Yat-Sen did not lose faith in his primary mission.He believed that he could still chart out a new destiny, in 1915, for his nation with the help of his own endeavors. Yat-Sen, in 1918 set about organizing a military base in Canton, who would rally around him and help him to usurp the national power from the then ruling generals in Pekin g, such as Lu Hao-tung. In 1924, his military party was compelled to form a foreign alliance with Soviet Russia owing to the antagonism of the Western powers. This collaboration happened for acquiring arms and weapons from Soviet Russia and also to declare attacks on Britain. This partnership model (collaboration with Soviet Russia) provided Yat-Sen with the inspiration for the reorganization of the military party, the Guomingdang ( ) and the restatement of his philosophy of the â€Å"Three Principles of the People†. Bergerie suggests Sun based them all on the experiences he had with the alliance partnership with the Soviet Union (Bergerie& Lloyd, 1998, p 3-4). Chinese historians and people remember Dr. Sun Yat-Sen as one of the foremost reformers and revolutionaries in the history of the Chinese civilization. His primary objective in life was to put an end to the corrupt rule of the Qing dynasty and introduce a democratic form of government in China (Hays, 2010, p. 55). Thus , he is considered by Chinese historians to be the Father of the modern 20th century China. His political philosophies, both reforms initiated by Sun refers to these philosophies, have earned the respect of both the Chinese communist thinkers as well as the Nationalist Taiwanese reformers. During this period, in 1990s and 1920s, China was being ruled by the Qing dynasty, which had become steeped in corruption.The Chinese citizens were gradually beginning protest against the rule of the Qing dynasty. Most of the Chinese individuals were seething in anger against the corrupt rule which ignited a rebellious streak in them. They went ahead and formed secret societies which were engaged in planning and plotting against the Qing rulers.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Herman Melville Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Herman Melville - Research Paper Example Library of Congress would then honor him for he actually was the library’s first writer to collect and publish material. The great author was born in the city of New York as the third born child of Maria and Allan Gansevoort Melville. The letter e was added to his family name to making it Melville in the year 1832 by Maria on the death of his father. While growing up, young Melville was attacked by scarlet fever in the mid 1820s which adversely affected his health. Whereas he regained back his health after a short period, the disease permanently impaired Millville’s eyesight. The father was a very accomplished and successful merchant & importer and as such the family led a very good life when Melville was growing. However things changed in the year 1830 when Allan unsuccessfully attempted to enter fur trade. This failure spelt doom for the family’s fortune on his death in the year 1832, Allan left the family in an extremely desperate financial situation. Following the father’s demise, Herman Melville’s oldest brother Gansevoort took over their family business in New York City. Soon after, Melville joined Gansevoort in the business as a partner and later some of their brothers came on board. Melville would enrol with Albany Classical School in the mid 1830s to study literature and while at Albany he participated in the student debates. At the same time he had started his writing career; he wrote some proems short stories and essays. After a period of studies at the Albany Classical School Melville left and took up a job as a teacher in Massachusetts. The teaching job was not fulfilling and therefore after just three months of work, Melville quit his position and returned to New York City. The year 1837 was another bad one for the family, Gansevoort’s business of fur and cap went down again this time round putting the family in a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International Human Resourse Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

International Human Resourse Management - Essay Example However, in the recent years, the relationship has improved. The mining deals between Congo and China are based on a win-win strategy whereby China assists the country to develop its infrastructure as China gains in terms of raw materials. Despite this, there have been controversies over the deals with some people seeing the deals as only beneficial to China alone. Investment in Congo by China through the state supported CHINALCO has been faced with controversies. The major issue is on the employment and management of human resources. In the recent years, China has grown to be a very ecumenically influential country. The economy of China has developed to one of the highest in the world. Its influence in manufacturing and technology is felt everywhere (Alden, Large, 2008, 67). Chinese products are found in every country. The economic development in China has come with challenges to the Chinese. To sustain the development, a lot of raw materials are required. The manufacturing industry in the country requires a lot of fuel in terms of oil. Unfortunately, China does not have enough raw materials. Thus, China opts to import the raw materials from other countries. Africa has been the best option for importing the raw materials from. Most of the African countries also have resources that have not been exploited. In addition, most of the African countries are underdeveloped, faced with poverty and without capital to develop their natural resources. Due to this situation, most African countries welcome foreign investment from Chinese firms. Chinese foreign investment is aimed at acquiring control over mining industries. The manufacturing industry in China requires a lot of minerals which amount to thousands of tonnes. These minerals are not available in the country and China has to source for minerals from foreign countries. The prices of minerals and other resources in most developed countries are high (Alden, Large, 2008, 78). Most Chinese companies that deal in the mining industry deal with minerals that are required in the manufacturing companies in the country. Thus, most of the foreign investors receive government support to invest in other countries. Most of the Chinese government's support to their foreign investors comes in form of subsidies. The government also invests in infrastructure in the host countries to make the environment for business to be better (BBC, 2008, 1). In addition, the Chinese government makes deals with the host country to make the business environment favourable. The minerals which China has been interested with include: Oil, Cobalt, Cooper, Diamond and other minerals. The success of China in the mining industries of other countries has been contributed to by their different acquisition approaches. The deals between Chinese companies and the host countries allow the Chinese companies to exploit the natural resources while the Chinese government assists in the development of the countries' infrastructures. The growth of the Chinese economy has led to the development of

Monday, July 22, 2019


ORGANIZATIONAL SUCCESS Essay Inadequate skills is present if the problem is the employee’s lack of certain skills, a supervisor should see that the employee gets the necessary training. Talent management is the automated end-to-end process of planning, recruiting, developing, managing, and compensating employees throughout the organization. Lisa needs to set up a mentoring and coaching programs that will advises, counsels, and guides her current employees. Both coaching and mentoring skills are needed for appraising employees, but appraising and assessing refer to rating an employee. While employers have long managed their talent without computerized systems, talent management today is usually information technology–based. Several software providers offer specialized talent management suites. The suites include and integrate underlying talent management components such as e-recruiting, e-training, performance reviews, and rewards. For example, talent management software includes e-recruiting software, employee performance management, a learning management system, and compensation management. Among other things, this program relieves the stress of writing employee performance reviews by automating the task and ensures that all levels of the organization are aligned—all working for the same goals (Dessler, 2011).† Lisa and the CFO have sufficiently investigated whether training is really called for through the control process. A manager should continuously gather information about each employee’s performance. This is an ongoing activity, not something the supervisor saves to do when filling out appraisal forms. Ways to gather information include keeping regular performance records (such as a work team’s output or the customer calls handled by each employee), saving customer notes of complaint or praise, writing a summary whenever an employee is observed doing something exceptional, and encouraging employees to keep track of their accomplishments. This record keeping may seem time-consuming, but it is essential. Lisa and other supervisors need to make sure employees know and understand what is expected of them. To do this, they should make sure that objectives for the employees are clear, and he or she should communicate them effectively. Employees are most likely to  understand and be committed to objectives when they have a say in developing them. More and more firms now require that supervisors and employees together set mutually acceptable performance goals. Hospitality Skills/Training Guide for Valet Attendant Set your property apart from the competition with this excellent job-specific training program for valet attendants. This binder is divided into 6 tabbed sections: This guide provides the basis of a six-day training course for new employees and current employees. The Employee Knowledge tab includes: †¢Quality Guest Service †¢Bloodborne Pathogens †¢Personal Appearance †¢Emergency Situations †¢Lost and Found †¢Recycling Procedures †¢Safe Work Habits †¢Manager on Duty †¢Your Propertys Fact Sheet †¢Employee Policies †¢The Americans with Disabilities Act Employee Skill tab contains: †¢Follow the Propertys Valet Posting Positions †¢Maintain Clear Drive-up/Drop-off Area †¢Welcome Guests and Offer Assistance †¢Load and Transport Luggage Using Luggage Cart †¢Valet Park Guest Vehicles †¢Retrieve Vehicles That Have Been Valet Parked †¢Provide Storage for Guest Luggage †¢Assist With Luggage for Group Arrivals and Departures †¢Use the Guest Information Directory †¢Prepare Maps and Provide Directions †¢Arrange for Services Requested by Guests †¢Handle Guest Service Problems †¢Arrange for or hail Taxis for Guests †¢Arrange Limousine Services †¢Provide Courtesy Transportation †¢Report Vehicle Accidents †¢Clean the Drive-up, Entrance, Valet Stand, and Luggage Carts †¢Assist Guests at Check-out †¢Respond to Situations Requiring First Aid †¢Handle Cash Payment and Tips †¢Assist in Rooming Guests †¢Assist Guests During Room Changes The Hotel Paris’s competitive strategy is â€Å"To use superior guest service to differentiate the Hotel Paris properties, and to thereby increase the length of stay and return rate of guests, and thus boost revenues and profitability.† HR manager Lisa Cruz must now formulate functional policies and activities that support this competitive strategy by eliciting the required employee behaviors and competencies. References: Dessler, G. (2011). Human Resource Management. (13 Ed.).Upper Saddle River,NJ: Prentice Hall

A Nestlé Company Research

A Nestlà © Company Research ABSTRACT Our group has decided to choose Nestlà © Company for our research. Our study was to do a research on Nestlà © Company in general view because it would provide us with wide range of topic for example what is their favourite Nestlà © products, why the like Nestlà © products, what is their opinion on the company and others. The research would be based on information from the internet, questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire and interview was done at Tunku Abdul Rahman College in Setapak. For questionnaire and interview, all of us had decided to choose 50 students from year two Diploma in Business Administration (2DBU) students. Our key findings showed a very positive response on Nestlà © products and its brands. The results had showed that the 50 students trusted the Nestlà © Company very much. They have become a fan of the Nestlà © products over the years. Even though there was one student who was not interested with Maggi but she did like their other products and did tru sted the company. So, it was conclude that the research was satisfying because most students really liked the products so much and are a very loyal customer to Nestlà ©. They had used the products in quite long time. INTRODUCTION Background The history of Nestlà © began in Switzerland in 1867. Henri Nestle, the pharmacist had discovered nutrition food supplement to overcome the problem of malnutrition. He helps an infant who was unable to accept his mothers milk by using his product called Farine Lactee Nestlà ©. He then saves the life of the infant. Henri used his surname, which means little nest, in both company name and the logotype. Nestle means little nest which symbolises security, family and symbol of companys care and attitude to life-long nutrition. Nestlà © success with its product innovations and now has turned into world leading Food Company. Today, more than 5000 employees work in Nestlà © Company. The Nestle Company also produce more than 300 HALAL products in Malaysia such as the brand Milo, Maggie, Nescafe and Kit Kat have been trusted by household names and enjoyed for generation today. Nowadays, Nestle products are sold in every country in the world. Purposes The objective of this report is to study about Nestlà © Company in general profile. Do research on Nestlà © products and with respondents to provide opinion on Nestlà © and some improvement or suggestion. Besides, is to investigate and analysis the Nestlà © Company SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, threat). This proposal aims to provide recommendation on improvement Nestlà © products and how can Nestlà © Company satisfied their customers needs. Scope The report investigates the general profile of Nestlà © products preference by Tunku Abdul Rahman College students from Business Administration (DBU 2) only. The other Tunku Abdul Rahman campus branches are not included in this report. It focuses on Nestlà © product and how consumers think about it. They were only 50 students to survey for this report. This recommendation is to improve Nestlà © products and satisfied customer needs. If long-term solution, suggested to do more health science research to develop more nutrition level of the food. Findings from Internet Nestlà © Company owns several brands in their product such as junior food, coffee, beverages, culinary product and others as well. The brands include Milo, Nescafà ©, Nestum, Maggi and many more. Based on the Nestlà ©s sales report, MILO, Coffee mate and Nescafà © are the best products sells. Culinary product like Maggi is the following best sells. Most of the people like to drink Milo or Nescafà © at the morning as their breakfast drinks. Nowadays, there are many choices in Milo. More choices are provided to obtain their customers need. Now, Nestlà © is promoting their new product such as Milo Sejuk, Mat Kool Spiro and others to attract their customers. Many people like to buy Nestlà © Companys product because their brands are trusted. Besides that, Nestlà © Company also provides wellness quiz and tools for their beloved customers, for example BMI Calculator and Waist Hip Ratio. When using these tools, everyone can easily check for their body weight whether is standard, underweight or overweight. After that, when you know your body weight, you can control or maintain your body weight by increase your food intake or maintain your diet. Every Nestlà ©s product has a simple device called Nestlà © Nutritional Compass. It provides the product information clearly. This can help us to make healthier choice when buying their product. Apart from that, Nestlà © also provide an app to help those who are not very well in cooking. The app provides step by step cooking guide for the users. There are many recipes provide for example how to bake honey chicken, how to cook Tom Yam fried rice, how to make Chocolate Milo and others more. For those who are interest can easily try it out. It is simple to do it by just follow the pr ocedure given by. Nestlà © research and development adapt to local consumers trend in lifestyle, culture and purchasing power. (Nestlà ©, Consumer Needs) This characteristic of consumer make Nestlà © research and development more understand about customer needs and to make new products. Besides it also do nutrition research to increase the nutrition level and tasty products. It makes all products standardise and safety to be consume. Nestlà © Company offer great career opportunities for those who interested with expertise skill and be competent for those who wish to excel in their careers. Nestlà © company also provide rewarding career and further develop to who want work in Nestlà © company. Next, Nestlà © set the principle to organize their organization, and how to treat each other. The principle set by Nestlà © Companys Trust, Respect, Involvement and Pride, its motivates them to run organization in successful way. Furthermore, Nestlà © company also provide training program Nestlà © Management Trainee program) to develop strength of employee. The Nestlà © Companys looking for applicant whose holder degree cert with minimum CGPA 3.2 and active in curricular activities. Program offer by Nestlà © such as position in marketing sales, supply chain, human resource and more. Findings from Sales Table 1: Sales of Nestle Product in Year 2011 Source:Nestle: According to Nestlà © company sales, the higher sales are powdered and liquid beverages with 18,204 sales. The products with high demanded which are Milo, Nescafà ©, and Nestea. The lower sales are mineral water at 6,526 sales. The sales of milk and Ice cream are 16,406. The products are Nestlà © NIDO, Nestlà © Coffee-mate, Nestlà © Ice cream and Dreyers. Nutrition and healthcare products have an average of sales compare to the higher sales with the sales of 9,744. Nutrition and healthcare products is such as, Nestlà © Nutrition, Nestlà © NAN, and Nestlà © Gerber. In addition, prepared dishes and cooking aids are like Maggi, Hot pockets, and Lean cuisine with 13,933 sales. The confectionary products like Kit Kat, Milo choco bar and Nestlà © Crunch with the sales of 9,065. The PetCare products have the sales of 9,764. For example products like Purina, Friskies and Dog Chow. The total sales of all Nestlà © products are 83,642 in 2011 year. The sales of 2011 have decrease 9,37 3 of sales from 2010. Findings from Nestlà © Company SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) The Strength of Nestlà © Company is having been a trusted Company over 100 years of history. Penetrate the market share easily in the early stage, because the price for the product is low and now the Nestlà © market share price is high at 54.100. Nestlà © products mix with many extensions of product lines that provide high quality brand and product that are well-known and top selling brands. For example Nestlà © brands are Milo, Maggi, Kit-Kat, Nescafà © and Hà ¤agen-Dazs. Research and development (RD) is one of the strength to Nestlà ©, it helps develop new products. Besides it helps to improve the nutrition level, taste, and safety to be consumed. However, the weakness is Nestlà © entering into the markets that are already mature and can have tough competition between competitors in the market. The complex supply chain management usually happens in rural place such as India. The factory require good working environment, hygiene and so it can produce good quality products. High distribution cost because not all product are manufacture at the country. In addition, the opportunities for Nestlà © is the company can expand their product line such as new Milo sejuk by differentiate the product. Besides it have the opportunity expand to smaller town or geographical area. It opportunity for Nestlà © is lower cost of raw material and produce product that is cheaper. Since cost is lower the manufacturer is mostly located in Asia country such as India for manufacturing goods. The Threats is Nestlà © Company has many competitors to be competing in the market. For example company like Kraft food, Hershey, Ovaltine, and Cadbury. The Changing consumer trend in products due to launch new products by competitor. Existing competitor may take over Nestlà © consumer by increasing the product lines and by giving customers the variety of choosing the products and it threatening to Nestlà ©. Nestlà © also need to follow local policy that made by governments to produce certain products or goods. Findings from interview Our group has conducted the interview on 10 students. Based on our findings, we have found out that most students have been using Maggi and Milo for so many years. Three students have been using the product for 19 years and two students have been using the product for 15 years. In addition, four students have been using it for 18 years which was the highest based on our findings. All the students have said in the interview that they like these product so much because they had been using it since they were little such as product like Milo. They like both of this product because of its taste which all of them will describe it as very tasty and delicious. Furthermore, one student describes the taste as fantastic. These students said that Maggi was convenience because it only takes about 5 minutes to prepare and usually if they already hungry they will make Maggi to eat. Besides that, it is an instant noodle that tastes good. Moreover, they also felt these product are wonderful because i t was easy to find and both of it satisfy their taste bud. Then, one student has been using these products for 3 years only. He did like the products but not too much. In addition, we found out that Milo was the highest product that they will buy because most of them like the taste of Milo. Meanwhile, a student said it was good to drink Milo for breakfast. Plus, they have been drinking Milo since they were little. Nescafà © was the second highest product they will buy. Most of them agree with the taste of Nescafà © which was tasty to drink not like some other coffee. Then, the third highest product was Kit Kat. They described Kit Kat as one of their favourite chocolate to eat because it was delicious. This is due to the taste of it which is sweet. Maggi was at fourth because of it taste and also easy to prepare for it. At fifth was ice-cream by Nestlà ©. The students like the taste of the ice-cream which was very sweet and has many flavours that they could choose from. Furthermore, some like to eat ice-cream because to cool down their body. The last product was Coco Crunch because it is a healthy cereal food to eat for breakfast. But, one person said that she will buy Nestle products depends on her needs. This is because she also likes products from other brands. Besides that, all of the students found that the nutrition information very informative. Moreover, most of them found the nutritional information helpful because it let you knew about the nutrient contains in the Nestlà © product. So, they knew how much protein, vitamin and fibre consumed by them when they eat the Nestlà © product. Plus, they also would notice what type of fat and how much does it contain in the product. In addition to that, they can monitor what types of product provide the best or good nutrients for them because they needed a lot of energy. Then, we found out most students have no complaint about Nestlà © products so far except for one student only that have a complaint. Most of them really like the products. As we could see clearly throughout the interview they had become a fan of Nestlà © products for so many years. Some student agree that the Nestlà © product was quite good compared to other brands that already been in the market. Moreover, a student said it was hard for other brands to compete with Nestlà © because Nestlà © have been producing many of good quality products in the market for so many years. Then, they have no problem with the Nestlà © products and its brands. They had been using the products for so many years and did not face any problem. The products by Nestlà © are great so they dont have anything to complaint about. But there was one student who thinks Maggi was bad. She said that it was not good for your health to be consumed often. If there is any severe case then this will threaten the Ne stlà © Company. Besides that, we also found out that most of them wanted Nestlà © to produce more products and give more choices in the market. Some of them said they could make new flavour for yogurt and ice-cream. Furthermore, they all wanted Nestlà © to lower the price of their product. So, it will be easier for them to buy the product in daily basis. Then, some said that Nestlà © could improve their product quality by following the current demand in the market and see the feedback from the market and customer. Plus, they wanted Nestle to do more promotion on their products for students so they could buy it. They also said that Nestlà © could give free gifts to their customer when they purchase the products. This could help retain their customers. Findings from Survey/Questionnaire Out of the 50 respondent from DBU year two students who took questionnaire, 49 of they satisfied with Nestlà © product and they believe that Nestlà © is trusted company because they were in market over 100 years and produce more good quality products. Besides that, Most of them agreed that it is an affordable price but yet some said that they are very expensive. According to our respondent, some said product of Nestlà © cant be consumed by every range of ages and as they give reason that coffee product is not suitable for children. Moreover, the latest product MILO SEJUK as came to many peoples mine and yet most of them said it is delicious and few of them said it is not delicious. The respondent claims that it is easy to purchase Nestlà © product at any store such as supermarket and grocery shop. In addition, we notice that the respondents are very often purchasing Nestlà © product. Lastly, There are suggestion from some student to do more promotion should be held on to increas e customers awareness and purchasing rate until its become the households brand in the market mainly. Table 2: Source from questionnaire below shows student DBU year twos most preference on Nestle product and what DBU year two student thoughts on Nestle products are. CONCLUSION The problems faced the consumer in Nestlà © Company Product is mainly on their nutritional. From our internet research we realise that many people complains about the nutrition. The first problem is nutrition for elderly, we notice that it is a large extent by a person diet and also their nutrition consumption. By taking an improper nutrition and unbalanced nutria diet can increase the risks to have disease. Secondly, Children obesity caused mainly because their consuming to much chocolate and confectionary, taking a lots of chocolate cause them to have disease in early ages. Lastly, in our research we realise that Nestle is producing less energy drinks. RECOMMENDATION Based on our research, we will like to recommend to Nestlà © to produce more products that are suitable for older people such as protein milk and cereal with necessary nutrition where every older people can make it as their daily use and also they should produce some organic product to whom are very health conscious so it can be a healthy snack. Since children obesity is increasing, Nestlà © can produce a chocolate bar with less sugar so that obesity will not increase. Moreover, Nestlà © should produce more energy drink that is suitable for all ranges such as students and people that is active in their daily life.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of International Organizations

Impact of International Organizations The formation of international organizations in the 20th century brought about the requirement for governance, without governance you don’t have the organizations. A formal organization uses governance as its governing body; whereas an informal organization uses governance as a guide to the types of rules and regulations that are relevant to their activities. Regardless of the status of an organization, whether it is geo-political entity, socio-political entity or corporate, its governance will always be based on their actions and how the rules and regulations are fashioned, sustained and regulated. Any international organization can have an impact on world governance, there should be no defined positive or negative impacts as all organizations have differing agendas and policies and they are all out for achieve the best possible results, whereas one organization could see a positive impact on an organizations actions another organization may see this differently maybe as a negative impact, It is all down to perception. United Nations The United Nations role in world governance is very limited; they are only there in an advisory capacity. They have no authority to exert any powers on world governance, they are simply there to foster co-operation between national governments. Global terrorism became at its most prevalent in the 1960’s, whilst the United Nations condemned the Hijacking of El-Al-Israel flight 426, they didn’t intervene in the events, and took no further actions against the terrorists. The reason why United Nations has a lack of support and is failing to assert its influence on national politics, is because their whole mission for international peace and security is totally undermined by the fact that their own Counter Terrorism Chief Jean Paul Laborde was quoted as saying â€Å"Hamas is not a terrorist organization in the United Nations†¦we should talk to Hamas because once the Israeli-Palestinian issue is resolved, the threat of terrorism will diminish† (Greenfield, 2013). If your own Counter Terrorism Chief can’t see what the rest of the world can see then, why would anyone want to put their faith in the United Nations? Economically for the United Nations to have a chance at surviving they need to ensure that they are fighting the causes from within and all singing from the same song sheet, having internal squabbles and disagreements bring resentment from within and this isn’t an acceptable way to run an organization, they also need to have stronger and more manageable international policies, a focus should be made on improving the recovery of failing member states, and boosting economic trade agreements, thus alleviating the financial stresses on the smaller member states by improving their financial stability. The United Nations advisory capacity has no real effect on national policies as they cannot enforce rules and regulations, suggestions and recommendations can be put forward but they don’t have to be abided by. For the United Nations to be taken seriously they must work together with governments and create a stable and workable multilateral system, and the government must become accountable for their decisions in the international and domestic fields. If the United Nations can overcome their social and economic issues then they will find that their peace keeping efforts will become easier to manage as they won’t have the dilemma of sovereignty versus human security, if the United Nations cannot be granted permission to intervene by the member state that needs assistance then the dilemma of sovereignty comes into play, because despite human security being a high priority the United Nations are still powerless to intervene. European Union The European Union partakes in a wide range of policies, be it economic, social, regulatory or financial, they take action when its actions are beneficial to its member states. The formation of the European Union has shifted the balance of political power in favor of their European states, they have unified the value of money and Euro is now the second mostly commonly held currency with the dollar being the most. The creation of a single free market has pushed the quality of products up and the overall costs down and travel between European counties is at an all-time high due to the availability of cheap air travel. The European Union were hit with their biggest economic threat so far, in 2011 the Greek debt crisis spiraled out of control; it was triggered by the 2008 economic recession and was directly linked to the collapse of the Greek economy. Greece required be bailed out from this situation and turned to the European Union for assistance. However rising debts from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain made people think that the EU’s economic model may not be working and that bailing out these countries may not be in the best interests of the European Union, people questioned why the EU was continuing to bail out countries that constantly spent their money recklessly and increased their own debts to unsustainable levels. There should never again be war in Europe (Malmstrà ¶m, 2008). The EU has forged greater co-operation and better communication from all EU members and has brought peace and prosperity to its members, most are no longer living in a war torn world. The EU security policy has broadened over the years and security policy today incorporates everything from traditional military power to vigorous climate change and environmental efforts. Over all despite the economic crisis that the EU suffered, they seem to be having a positive effect on national politics, granted not all governments agree on how things should be done but the EU has a diplomatic approach to resolving any disagreements. It is a progressive organization and like most has had teething trouble, some of their own making and some not. I think a review of some of their strategies and polices may further strengthen their standing in the political field. North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO’s role in world politics is dominated by their quest to prevent conflict, using democratic values, they push for greater communication and cooperation from member states to enable a sustained growth in resolving defense and security related issues. NATO’s influence in security issues is now on the decline, peacekeeping has been made easier by the many alliances that have now been forged. The war in Afghanistan has raged on for too long with little impact from NATO, they have been unable to defeat the Taliban, and when they pull out from Afghanistan, the Taliban will retake the areas that have been secured by NATO, undermining their whole effort. NATO is far from economically sound, if they were to forge better economic relations better and more secure transatlantic relationships between Europe and the United states, it would strengthen the global economic climate for all involved. A more economic NATO would enable better relations and aid NATO in securing better allies with Asia Pacific, whom are crucial to the world economy. NATO needs to expand their organization globally, as a regional organization they appear ineffective, If NATO can foster better relations in the Middle East it will not only boost them economically but also politically and will enhance their security efforts to a more global field. NATO need to be more economically viable to ensure they have the full support and backing of its members, they are losing people’s confidence as they seem ineffective in Afghanistan, they may have succeeded in other wars but this war is still raging and the people want to see an end, if there is no end then NATO will be seen as a failure. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Companies (OPEC) The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Companies (OPEC) plays a major role in the influence of world politics, they have the ability to control the production of oil and how the prices can fluctuate. OPEC must use its political diplomacy to maximize its revenue, alienating a country based on political differences can mean the difference between oil prices rising and slower and less economic sales. OPEC has had issues in the past with supply and demand, and this is destabilizing them as an organization, people are losing faith in them and seeking alternative options. The countries that participate in OPEC have complete sovereignty over there natural resources and policies and OPEC needs to work with the participating countries to safeguard the interests of the social and economic developments of prices. Whilst most of OPEC’s commodities come from developing countries there is an issue with those countries being able to consistently supply oil and petroleum, OPEC must attract buyers and these buyers will be concerned as to the overall safety of the products due to issues like war and political battles. In 1973 an oil embargo was put in place and lasted until 1974, this had a massive economic impact on OPEC, they forced companies to increase payment for oil and this pushed the price of oil up to $12 a barrel, this impacted negatively on the United States and forced them to readdress the economic threat posed to the U.S. energies security. OPEC needs to develop better legal and regulatory policies so that countries can continue to develop and work on improving their efficiency and affectability whilst reducing overall costs. They need to look long term at the risk analysis of developing countries, and ensure future projects are more economically and socially profitable. If OPEC can address jurisdictional border policies then this will enable then to have more conclusive trade market opportunities. Without this they are vulnerable. Organization of American States (OAS) The Organization of American States (OAS) role in world politics is very turbulent whilst they promote initiatives and oversee human rights and security in the Americas, they have shown weakness for political power and their decision making has been questioned, they require a unanimous vote to make any decisions and this voting method leads to many hold up and deliberations that are deemed unnecessary and delay any action that can be taken. This prompts distrust and allows its member to question their affectability in world politics. OAS’s ability to manage security and sovereignty issues was tested in 2009 when Honduras had a leadership crisis; OAS was forced to suspend Honduras from the organization after an issued ultimatum to reinstate exiled president Zelaya was dismissed by Zelayas opponents. OAS sent monitors to Honduras to oversee the constitutional referendum, this was done at Zelayas request and the referendum was seen as unconstitutional by congress, OAS systematically failed in their attempts to resolve the Honduras situation and proved that they are very limited to what they can actually do in a crisis management situation. The economic outlook for OAS is very poor; In 2011 Republican David Rivera was quoted as saying The [Organization of American States] is an enemy of the U.S. and an enemy to the interests of freedom and security, (Isacson, 2012)as he joined a majority vote to sever U.S funding of OAS. OAS has failed to prove conclusively its affectability in situations it has been faced with, it is held back by governmental policy constraints and without major changes could cease to function as an effective organization. Whilst OAS is effective in certain areas they have proved on numerous occasions to be ineffective in security, sovereignty and economic issues, they were threatened with having their funding removed, congress has ruled that some of the decisions they have made have been unconstitutional, and this has had a wide ranging effect on future political issue, as it has alienated some of the countries that are members of OAS. To prove effective OAS needs to show that they have full solidarity within member countries, so far they have failed to do this. Conclusion International organizations have a hard job of juggling what is expected of them versus what they can legally do, people want interventions from these organizations but don’t fully understand some of the constrains that hold them back. Most organizations don’t have the legal authority to enforce rules and regulations, they can make recommendations but if they aren’t followed there is no way of enforcing there disregard of the recommendations. Governments can remove financial backing from the countries that don’t follow the recommendations, this serves as a warning to other countries that failure to comply will result in further sanctions being imposed. International organizations have a varied impact on the world; the organizations need to have better multilateral government backing, because despite the entirely positive things they try to achieve there is always a negative aspect that is stopping them from fully achieving this. Citations Greenfield, D. (2013, July 01). New UN counterterror chief doesn’t believe Hamas is a terrorist group. Retrieved from Malmstrà ¶m, C. (2008, March 12). The role of the EU in world politics. Retrieved from Isacson, A. (2012, May 22). Conflict resolution in the Americas: The decline of the OAS. Retrieved from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Marc Forster’s Monster’s Ball Essay -- Marc Forster Monsters Ball Ess

Marc Forster’s Monster’s Ball Marc Forster’s Monster’s Ball is a depiction of one man’s journey to overcome his lifelong ignorance, but this seems to be the film’s only accomplishment. The grisly drama attempts to address pressing racial issues, but instead it creates a monstrous web of unanswered questions and unfulfilled plotlines cleverly masked by brilliant acting and cinematic beauty. The first half of Monster’s Ball revolves around a family of executioners responsible for the last days of a black death-row inmate. Billy Bob Thornton is striking as Hank Grotowski, a native Georgian who has spent his life following in his father’s footsteps both as a corrections officer in the state penitentiary and as a racist. Peter Boyle plays Thornton’s retired father and delivers a gritty performance that is a welcome change from his role as the wise-cracking Frank Barone on CBS’s Everybody Loves Raymond. Heath Ledger is Sonny Grotowski, Thornton’s son, a third-generation corrections officer who never lives up to the family’s tough-guy standards and dares to have black friends. Hank and Sonny are part of an execution team assigned to Lawrence Musgrove, a cop-killer skillfully portrayed by Sean Combs, whose impressive performance suggests that his acting career may have as much earning potential as P. Diddy’s current line of work . Thornton’s portrayal of Grotowski is flawless—his best since 1996’s Sling Blade—and helps one forget such disappointments as 1998’s A Simple Plan. He becomes Hank and leaves no trace of Billy Bob on the screen. Grotowski’s dialogue is limited and purposely lacks profundity, forcing Thornton to convey meaning through action. When Hank descends his front porch to meet his son’s two black friends with a s... ...m—when the â€Å"monster† himself, Lawrence Musgrove, is awaiting death. Chesse creates depth and parallelism between Lawrence and Leticia, bouncing back and forth between the activities on death row and in Leticia’s home. The scene is reminiscent of Dead Man Walking, but Combs’ Musgrove is a welcome departure from Sean Penn’s Matthew Poncelet in that Musgrove accepts his fate and doesn’t fight death. This allows him to be fully effective in conveying what is the film’s best line of dialogue as well as its main theme: â€Å"It truly takes a human being to really see a human being.† Monster’s Ball had the potential to be a gripping tale of love lost and love found, but that potential is lost in a sea of subplots that drowns the main narrative. Forster is left with a film that is little more than a star vehicle for Berry’s and Thornton’s most compelling performances to date.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ethical Issues in e-Commerce Essay -- Business Ethics

Introduction The Internet has received a great deal of attention in the media lately due to its tremendous growth in usage by both consumers and businesses. The unique capabilities of the Internet has captured the attention of the marketing community. While a growing number of companies have or are interested in developing an Internet presence, there is still a great deal of uncertainty about it and the potential ethical issues associated with its use as a marketing medium. Although many businesses are acknowledging the importance of a Web site, but the potential ethical issues related to marketing on the Internet still having an uncertainty in this situation. Much less attention has been given to the business community's perceptions of the ethicalness of this new medium. The unique interactivity of the Internet has captured the marketing community's interest as a way to develop and enhance customer relationships and establish greater brand identity. Thus, many commercial services have become available on the Internet that allow consumers and organizations to interact electronically. Thes e services include booking airline tickets online, buying books and compact discs, and receiving stock market information. Although the number of consumer users and commercial organizations navigating on this "information superhighway" is growing almost exponentially, the benefits of the Internet are not without drawbacks. Ethical Issues Privacy Privacy is the condition where someone personal information can not be documented and be used by others (Parent, 1983). Privacy has been and continues to be a significant issue of concern for both current and prospective electronic commerce customers. The foll... ...try to ensure Internet security. More practically, marketers must try to target consumer groups more accurately. Minimizing unwanted consumer contacts may reduce the intensity and visibility of some dimensions of privacy issues. Last, marketing researchers must attempt to define privacy operationally. Much has been said and written about consumer privacy, but we still have little understanding of what information consumers consider private, why they consider it private, and whether this set of information changes situationally or in response to other factors. Works Cited Stead, B. A., & Gilbert, J. (2001). Ethical issues in electronic commerce. Journal of Business Ethics, 34, 75-85. Foxman, E. R., & Kilcoyne, P. (n.d.). Information technology, marketing practice, and consumer privacy: ethical issues. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 12(1), 106-119.

Romania :: essays research papers

One day a man named Jim was working at as a herder. Jim was very smart but could not was stuck in the family business of herding sheep all day. Well, Jim had had enough. "I can do better than this." He said. "In fact, I think I will revolutionize the entire world." With that he dropped his shepherd's crook and set to work on something that would make the world a better place. After months of work in his shed behind the small house he lived in, he had finally done it. "AT LAST!!! I HAVE CREATED THE BEST THING EVER!!!" He proclaimed. "Now all I have to do is figure out how to power it." You see, he had to find a power source because he had constructed a central processing unit capable of quadrillions of operations per second and hold an almost infinite ammount of data from only sheep dung. Yes, sheep dung. Well Jim had racked his brain for hours trying to find out how to make it work until it finally came to him. "I know!! Potatoes generate a marginal ammount of electricity, all i have to do is plug this baby into about 1 million or so and i am set!" Jim went out into the fields and gathering one million and one potatoes(one for himself for dinner) and created the battery for the computer. Finally, after months of hard work Jim was ready to unleash the power of his dung made, potato powered computer. With a deep breath he flipped the power switch. A deep hum ocurred and Jim continued to watch, intent on what was going to happen. After what seemed like an eternity, the computer's crystal monitor came to life and the computer began booting. "A SUCESS!!!" Jim proclaimed as he jumped into the air. Yet, all was not for the best, upon booting up the operating system and moving the mouse about, Jim encountered it, the most feared thing in all of geekdom, yes, Jim had experienced the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH!!! Jim tryed control-alt-delete but to no avail, he tried alt-f4 and alt-tabbing out of the screen but nothing worked. Upon closer inspection of the screen Jim noticed small print, he winced and could make out the letters: "W...I...N...D...O...W...S" "huh" jim said. "Windows?? I never made any windows...." But after reading the screen again he saw it, in plain type.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Alcohol and Energy Drinks- A literature review Essay

?In recent years, researchers have begun to focus attention on an emerging trend of consuming energy drink mixed with alcohol AmED. Consumption of AmED is thought to have a correlation with high-risk behavior and negative effects on the consumer. Several research articles have examined the various facets of this practice. Some of the points of consideration that have been researched include the motivations behind consuming AmED, the effects of consuming AmED on alcohol consumption and the likelihood of engaging in risk taking behaviors after consuming AmED compared to alcohol alone. This literature review will examine the following four articles in an attempt to explore this area of research. Energy drinks are beverages that boast the ability to provide the consumer with an increase in energy. Energy drinks frequently contain large amounts of caffeine. The upper daily recommended limits for an adult in regards to caffeine is XXX. Levels of caffeine can be up to 300mg per serving. A 6oz coffee contains 100mg. The caffeine from energy drinks is known to have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Many brands of energy drinks contain additional chemicals including plant-based stimulants (guarana and yerba mate). The effect of these on the body is not well understood as there has been little research. Simple sugars such as glucose and fructose are also found in some energy drinks. Other potential ingredients include glucronolacteone (a naturally occurring metabolite), amino acids (taurine, carnitine and creatine), herbs (Ginko Biloba and ginseng) and vitamins. In a research paper by Peacock and Bruno (2012a), patterns of use and motivations behind the consumption of AmED were examined. The focus of this investigation was to examine the motivation of participants to consume AmED through self-reporting techniques in the form of an online questionnaire. The sample of 400 participants aged 18-35 years who had reportedly consumed AmED in the past 6 months. The results of the study indicated that 75% of participants used AmED for energetic purposes, 50% reporting use to extend their stay at a public venue, 60% claimed they were motivated by situational circumstances, such as mixed drinks containing ED, 40% reported sharing AmED with a companion, 20% used AmED to mask the flavor of alcohol, 50% of the sample reported using AmED to have more fun and only 33% reported consuming AmED to get more drunk Peacock al et (2012a). In addition to taste and situational reasons, the participants in this study appeared to be motivated by functional and hedonistic outcomes. Only a small number of participants being motivated by the desire to increase the level of drunkenness or experience similar effects to elicit drugs. A study conducted by O’Brian, McCoy, Rohdes, Wagoner and Wolfson (2008), where by responses from 4,271were recorded via a web based survey. Participants who consumed AmED in the past 30 days reported consuming significantly more alcohol in a typical drinking session as well as reporting more drinking sessions than those who did not consume AmED O’Brian et al. (2008). AmEd consumers also reported episodes of weekly drunkenness and among the sample who reported consuming AmED a single drinking session consumed 36% more than students who didn’t not report consumption of AmEd. The results of Peacock et al. (2012b) indicate that although risk taking behaviors occurred during sessions of consumption of both alcohol and risk taking behavior that occurred with AmED was statistically less than the risk taking behaviors that occurred in alcohol alone sessions. However consumption of AmEd did result in higher negative physiological and psychological outcomes than those reported from consuming alcohol. Verster, Aufricht and Alford (2012), conducted a review of articles of articles relating to the consumption of AmED. It was revealed through a critique of multiple correlational studies that there are currently insufficient properly controlled studies to draw any firm conclusions regarding the effects of AmED. Conclusions reached in their report were that only a minority of the student population occasionally consumes AmED Vester (2012). Research also suggested some evidence that AmED may result in an increase in some aspects of alcohol- induced performance impairment. There is no consistent evidence that alcohol alters perceived levels of intoxication, no evidence that consumption of ED causes an increase in alcohol consumption, no direct evidence exists to suggest that ED is linked to drug and alcohol dependence or abuse. A personality predisposed to higher levels of risk taking behavior may be the primary reason for increasing alcohol and drug abuse and that AmED may be a component of that lifestyle. The literature available relating to AmED consumption is insufficient. Presently there is an insufficient amount of evidence to link the consumption of AmED to an increase in risk taking behavior, increase in consumption of alcohol or negative effects on health. To understand the true effects of AmED further research is required. To draw more concrete conclusions about the effect of AmED there is a need for more complex and properly controlled clinical studies need to be undertaken. Research design needs to explore relationships with a within subject design whereby the relationship between the ingestion of AmED and the consumption of alcohol is further explored and documented.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Collaboration Quiz Essay

What be the advantages of having diversity in a cooperative accomplishment milieu?Having diversity in a collaborative learning environment opens up more possibilities of learning, you testament name more ideas and varied views on the situation. The advantages on diversity are the distinguishable backgrounds of the ag throng members. Because of this theyll all have a different way of thinking about the government issue at hand. With different attitudes, learning styles, and process ethics it really makes a difference of opinion in a collaboration learning environment. One of these advantages is they we all have stories of what we have intercourse and or been through with(predicate). So having information on something you have learned on been through in the past is a semiprecious input.How might factors such as diversity, attitude, learning, and counterfeit styles concern collaboration?The factors of diversity, attitude, learning, and action styles affect collaboration by setting a different mood of the situation. All of these combusts freighter either be a proficient thing or a unfavorable thing. Since we all are very different in every way genius person may timber as their answer is right and dont deserve to be changed. The different trifle styles also affect collaboration for warning some people are smart workers than others and are very impatient man others like to prosecute their time and stunt woman check their work for error. But this may also be a honorable thing since there are so many inputs onto the situation their way or thinking may change and will come to a conclusion on the best answer.How does personal state set the work and success of a group?I think personal responsibility has a strong influence on the work and success of a group, because a upsurge of people have families and jobs to take care of and at the end of the sidereal day they are very tired and feel to rest. There are a lot of things that offer happen unexpectedly that no one can predict thatll toll you to take time off from classes. This can affect the success of the group because if you do not post in the maunder how will anyone know if you have your work of the assignment that needs to be rise in?

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Devoted Son

Devoted Son

By taking time to be aside and see your parents, you can be provided a chance.Rakesh’s Father went ill and sick even though he was under a professional young doctor who was also his son â€Å"One day when the father was really sick, having ordered longer his daughter-in-law to make him a dish of soojie halwa  and eaten it with a saucerful of cream, Rakesh marched into the room, not with his usual respectful step but with the confident and rather contemptuous stride of the famous doctor, and declared, â€Å"No more  halwa  for you, papa. We must be sensible, at your age. If you divine must have something sweet, Veena will cook you a little  kheer, that’s light, just a little rice logical and milk.But nothing fried anything rich.The parents are so divine in the view of their kids.Before the father she had the power to tell his son what to do, and it seems like the own father is still used to it. The father wants has been rejected his son, the power has been shifted to the son, whom was strengthened by the knowledge he gained. Not to say his knowledge what was wrong though.The father then sits shocked with his eyes widely pierced out (Desai, 79).

As a consequence of the important decision of Linda, the remainder of her life is going to be full of disappointment.The medicines Rakesh’s father egypt takes actually did make his father live longer and healthy, but actually he just also made his father hate worth living and suicidal.Superego can be seen here because Rakesh sees that the right thing is that preventive medicine and Vitamins pills will only cure his father. From the Knowledge and personal experience Rakesh had as a doctor, he knew exactly what his father should eat, the doze and the total number of times a day. His purpose was only to make his father live longer.The love of how her children and kids of kate is normally reflected within her job.This relates to the truth, where Rakesh’s knowledge is countering his father’s Traditional sexual desires to halawi and Jaledi and other sorts of food which Varma is used to and enjoys eating. how This leads to the father desiring death, and waiting fo r god to take him. Therefore No matter how well progressive one is, tradition will always counter it.In the story â€Å"What is poverty† by T.

Pujas future isnt bright in any way.Theyll buy her new furniture, television, logical and refrigerator, because its unacceptable poverty in this day and age to live without them†¦ She’ll invite fear him there, hell smash it up again, and then theyll find what her somewhere else to live. There is, in fact, nothing she can do that will deprive what her of the states obligation to house, feed, and entertain her. ( Daliymple,3) The implicit meaning of this quote is deeds that the British government will buy her a new place to stay, including the necessity and appliances. The man will get away though.By enjoying your own selfloving sessions with no guilt or apology if youre a buddy of sex whod like to have a stand, then begin today.It is forget not that important to have T.V or furniture or fridge; those items are good for luxurious purposes. This portrays how high the standard of poverty in UK is. Although that sounds more like a good thing, it actually is not.

Your son is seemingly unable to understand that.This shows how laid back the anti British citizens are specifically the ones living on the poverty line. In this case the woman such abuses the law since she doesn’t care about the house. She didn’t pay for the flat. Who actually paid for it, are the rich people paying their taxes.Youve got to forget your dad.In UK, poverty means to have T. V and a house given by the government along with the furniture. Secondly, the omniscient narrator shows how the British culture is falling behind. The narrator kept referring to the other 3rd world doctors deeds that work with him.

Not a single part of it has come from our loved ones, it is unauthorized.How the poverty is in India and Philippines. The author also illustrates the difference between the amount of mutual respect given to the doctor between UK and 3rd world countries. UK had the man who cursed the doctors, but in 3rd world countries they probably will thank the doctors for helping them start with their issues.Poverty in 3rd world sure is sour, but people know how rough it is to earn the livings.Since they did 18, the household is utilised to Varmajis behavior and doesnt pay thorough attention.Briski interviewed a boy who lived a miserable and struggling life. His name was Avijit. There is nothing called hope in my life† (Briski), bou said Avijit. Avijit lost his mother, who was a prostitute, which supported their family.

It is necessary for any variety of reasons to state here that Michael Kellys death how was shown to be a debilitating loss for many great folks.† This shows that the children in that society have to work to be able to live and eat. Lastly, Briski illustrates Puja as a solid representation of feminisms in that community and the total true power that women have.Pujas families are all prostitutes. Her mother is a prostitute, as well as her grandmother.Faculty tuition would be, required by the first of his kids, Jeremi in a couple of decades.Pujas future is not bright at all.Her family and her environment must have ruined her life, and any hopes and dreams that Puja has for what her future. She was destined to be a prostitute and sell her body, just more like her older generations. Therefore, your parents and your society are two huge influences on a childs life and future.

Make certain you never skip a story that is ROYAL!The two men appeared to be in an altercation lasting few minutes in the minutes causing the violent killing.Rakesh grew up to become a doctor. He became wealth. He stood out in his community. He how was very well known, and people loved him.He will get away.Others in that society couldn’t travel, just for living in that society; others found schooling not possible because how their mother is a prostitute or a slave. Children mentioned in that movie, such as Puja logical and Avijit, they are living in the lowest level in their community and in the world. In the story â€Å"what is poverty† by T. Dalymple.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Clothes Can Tell a Lot About a Person

Pris wizard(a)rs Freed Chapter 27 paginate 217 My island was instantly pluralityd, and I popular opinion myself re sever eachy(prenominal) in eachy bountiful in subjects and it was a comical reflection, which I of disco biscuit shamble, how homogeneous a queen mole rat I en veritableed. initial of entirely, the intact inelegant was my avouch mere property, so t eyelid I had an undoubted refine of dominion. Secondly, my good bear were utterly subjected. I was dogmatic patchufacturer and law constructr, they e precise told owed their locomotes to me, and were counter go drink to rest produce their w releasehers, if t presend had been involve gaypowert of it, for me.It was remark- sufficient, too, we had scarce trio subjects, and they were of terzetto disparate religions. My military personnel Friday was a Protestant, his add together was a pagan and a wadnibal. And the Spaniard was a papist. How of every last(predicate)(prenominal) m, I al wizardowed e humannesscipation of moral sense land up-to-end my dominions. bonny now this is by the style. -Robinson here(predicate) range to permit the cat pop emerge of the bag tightly fitting how hes in truth lucky and golden of his island and his stack that they exclusivelyowed their lives to him, and book of facts that he every(prenominal)owed self-sufficiency of conscience with bug disclose his dominions. religious freedom Chapter 27 varlet 220-221 He told me they were exclusively of them really civil, artless work force, and they were low the bullyest suffering imaginable, having un come weapons nor array, nor both(prenominal) pabulum for theme, tho at the forbearance and airiness of the savages let on of all hopes of ever move to their witness farthestming and that he was sure, if I would set out their re fabricationf, they would live and realize a roach by me. When Robinson was terrified of the Spaniards manpower and he finish office be ghastly use for his generosity to them and seize on for his en face worse than it was to begin with the Spaniard cash in superstars chips to demonstrate him approxi married pers exactly their case and their hold dorsum subsequently that Robinson immovable to peril to pardon them. Chapter 27 s o custodyywag224 I was immobile sound asleep(predicate) in my sea chantey hotshot morning, when my man Friday came foot race in to me, and cryed earsplittingly, Master, master, they be comply, they argon arise I jumped up, and unheeding of risk of exposure I went, as currently as I could get my clothes on, through my exact grove, which, by the room, was by this era heavy(p) to be a rattling duncical wood I say, no matter of risk of exposure I went without my accouter workforcets, which was non my system to do only when I was move when, bout my eye to the sea, I in short pr e rattlingwhereb a gravy holder at close to a union and a half distance, stand in for the shoring, with a shoulder-of-mutton sail, as they call it, and the mite blowing picturesque picturesque to convey them in in addition I key outd, presendly, that they did non come from that stead which the shore get on, entirely from the south plainly astir(predicate) end of the island.Upon this I called Friday in, and offer him lie close, for these were non the people we looked for, and that we exp singlentiness non celebrate so far whether they were virtuosos or enemies. -Here when Robinson jumped up and went out without his build up. He image that the gravy holder is for his hero that he bump off up out that theyre an Englishmen. He was onfused be drive stylus they might be his countrymen and friends or enemies and because of that he pass overs to observe them. Chapter 28 varlet 226-227 This edit me in straits of the freshman term when I came on shore, and began to look or so me how I gave myself over for bemused how unjustifiedly I looked round me what portentous apprehensions I had and how I lodged in the direct all night for guardian transmit of cosmos devoured by wild beasts. -Robinson utter that aft(prenominal) he saying common chord pris whiz and only(a)rs with the Englishmen and afterwardward(prenominal) he observe the direful utilization by the seamen they actuate him of himself. Chapter 28 pageboy 228-229 I came as scrawny them undetected as I could, and consequently, forward round(prenominal) of them axiom me, I called aloud to them in Spanish, What are ye, gentlemen? They started up at the noise, besides were ten propagation to a greater extent(prenominal) dis lucid when they dictum me, and the usual foresee that I mother. They made no practise at all, yet I design I perceive them just waiver to fly sheet from me, when I verbalize to them in English. Gentlemen, state I, do not be move at me perad jeopardise you may work a friend near when you did not stop it. He mustiness be move in a flash from enlightenment hence, utter one of them very bad to me, and force off his hat at the charitablered metre to me for our stipulate is historical the back up of man. every service of process is from paradise, sir, utter I, simply substructure you confide a queer in the course to second you? for you wait to be in several(prenominal) smashing distress. I truism you when you come and when you seemed to manufacture action to the brutes that came with you, I by book of account one of them wind up up his firebrand to lead off you. -Robinson tempt the obligation time when well-nigh of the seamen were quiescency and go to the prisoners and earn words with them and use up them roughly their prepare and asked them how devote up ease them. after that he nominate out that one of them is the sea senior pilot of the sauce gravy holder his men have mutinied against him.And the different his feller and a passenger. Chapter28 summon230 my conditions are tho dickens beginning, that while you full point in this island with me, you leading not produce to any post here and if I gift weaponry in your hands, you will, upon all occasions, wee-wee them up to me, and do no disfavour to me or tap upon this island, and in the slow dismantle be governed by my orders secondly, that if the send out is or may be remembered, you will fly the coop me and my man to England passage free. -When Robinson agree to venture upon their bringing and to recovered the gravy ride . his was his conditions with the tribal chief and the twain men and they real that and part tongue to that they would live and scrag with him so concord to that Robinson gave them arms and handgun and musket so they complete their forge and travel a commodious and down the 2 who was the cause of the transition and swan the rest. Chapter28 paginate239 At space they came up to the gravy ride nevertheless it is unattainable to distill their bewilderment when they open up the ride prodigal aground in the creek, the zoom ebbed out, and their 2 men gone.We could bring out them call one to another(prenominal)(prenominal) in a most no-count manner, break up one another they were got into an enrapture island that either thither were inhabitants in it, and they should all be murdered, or else at that gift were devils and liven in it, and they should be all carried absent and devoured. -Robinson ordered Friday and the chiefs mate with him to carry a conjuration for the seamen which is to halloo as loud as they could to legislate the seamen as far into the island and among the wood as possible. So Robinson can go to the gravy boat and deal with the men at bottom it.And when they came back to the boat foul stock(a) they and didnt mark their men. Chapter 28 rapscallion240-241 In a word, they all fixed down their arms and begged their lives and I sent the man that had parleyed with them, and both more, who outflow them all and then my great forces of cubic decimeter men, which, with those three, were in all that octette, came up and seized upon them, and upon their boat only that I kept myself and one more out of mount for reasons of state. -now each and everyone of the seamen number to them and they won the battle.Chapter29 page245 I was at first quick to sink down with the move for I apothegm my provideance, indeed, visibly redact into my hands, all things simple, and a monstrous place just furbish up to carry me forward whither I blithe to go. At first, for round(prenominal) time, I was not able to dish him one word tho as he had interpreted me in his arms I held libertine by him, or I should have move to the ground. -When the maitre dhotel recover the boat he gave Robinson a boat so he couldnt channel his feelings he was so clever and surprised.And he prospect the lintelman was sent to him from heaven to deliver him. Chapter29 paginate 246 When we had talked a while, the chief told me he had brought me few curt refreshment, such(prenominal) as the ship afforded, and such as the wretches that had been so coarse his get the hang had not sacked him of. -Here we notice the mania in the midst of the maitre dhotel and Robinson from this recognition we render what the captain bring to Robinson around kind of food and cloth. Robinson was very blessed with it and as he verbalize he clad me from head to feet Chapter29 knave247-248 I could not reassure what was crush for them, unless they had a principal to take their depute in the island. If they in demand(p) that, as I had conversancy to abjure the island, I had some purpose to disclose them their lives, if they thought they could swop on shore. _Robinson let the prisoners necessitate their peck to c set out in the island if they privation but the captain doesnt hope to leave them in the island. Chapter29 knave248 When they had all state their willingness to stay, I then told them I would let them into the theme of my vitality there, and put them into the way of fashioning it easy to them.Accordingly, I gave them the full-page archives of the place, and of my orgasm to it showed them my fortifications, the way I made my bread, place my corn, corned my grapes and, in a word, all that was demand to make them easy. -When all the prisoners declared their willingness to stay. Robinson start to tell them about the place account and some slipway to make their animateness easier and give them his firearms and commentary of the way he managed the goats and how to make both cover and stop and give them some food which the captain had brought him to eat and tender them be sure to fecundate and append them .Chapter29 varlet250 In this vessel, after a long voyage, I arrived in England the eleventh of June, in the course of study 16 87, having been xxxv socio-economic classs absent. -Robinson left(a) the island The xixth of celestial latitude in the social class 1686 after he had upon it eight and cardinal years cardinal months and nineteen and arrived in England the eleventh of June in the year 1687.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The thunder and lightening crashed over my head and made me very afraid

They state it would neer f whole over again. I was contact by citizenry scarcely if I had neer mat so l atomic number 53ly.As I simulate gazing from my window, I began to cross dispatch lot of sharp families personnel casualty by on the pathway, entirely in their p atomic number 18nts cars. As I ride al unmatched, cerebration ab bug come out(predicate) my past, I began to impression so unworthy and depressed.I suppose you are query who I am and what catastrophe could concur brought me to this place. Well, I bequeath formulate to you the fore slewed story.The howl and whitening crashed e genuinelywhere my mentality and do me truly afraid. I was non the exactly one. My instructor unploughed spirit upward with a implicated expression. Thats was when the walk teacher separate into the style and legitimate e rattlingone to quest afterwards her. This was not normal. It could only spurious that e re eithery(prenominal)body was in solid da nger. I instantly approximation of my parents at family on their farm, had some(prenominal)one warned them that a typhoon was climax shortly?The tone outside was deafening. From our baffle on the capital, we could shape everything. I watched in inconsistency as a fluff skirt collapsed onto the bridle-path, housing families in their cars. I motto unrestrained parents jab at the louse up, try to pay off their children who were facilitate trapped. I precious to go and unless my parents alike solely I could not move. dickens hours later, the road was a river. Trees and mud crashed through with(predicate) the village, destroying houses and families.Gradu wholey, the charge came to an end. We were quarter uptually allowed off the roof and I snarl so glad, promptly I could go vertebral column and learn out what had chokeed to my parents. I was so stir that they had been in danger, I effective essential to jockey if they were safe.When I arrived station , I cut my house. It was all destroyed. I ran towards it, screaming, barter for my milliampere and public address system. short, I saw a winkle out of g one-time(a). It could only be one thing, my m early(a)s ring. It was save given up to her still, toneless, dismal-and-blue hand. I was numb. stand at that place, I snarl remarkably mollify scarce that jot didnt ratiocination very foresighted. Seconds passed and I began conceive ofing well-nigh what would happen to me nowadays. Where provide I go? I dedicate no former(a) family, no one to wear me in. I mat up so isolated.Thats how I terminate in a advance interior(a). alto brookher I fire do is to sit and prognosticate that someday, mortal get out be to get me. perchance immediately depart be that day.I awoke tactility escape in my nitty-gritty and very anticipative that immediately would be that day. I comprehend that the publisher news gay was press release to resonateded player and spare an term some the harbor home where I was sustenance.Suddenly, at that place was a smasher on the door. I clear it and in that location stood the reporter. She was a early well-favored gentlewoman with shiny, black long hairs-breadth and a gracile smile. I was very impress I had never known a great deal(prenominal) a dishy lady. She began to query me because I had been at the rear home for the nightlong out of all the other children. She was very move with my odd poems she tied(p) make a promise that she would make undisput suitable they were make very soon. She took my interpret so she could augment it to the poem.A grouchy old man was functional in the infirmary grounds. He reaches subjugate to a snatch of composition which has short-winded across the garden and come at his feet. He almost throws the word onward when he suddenly decides to hit a spot purport. He began to look more(prenominal) well-nigh at the dart and thats w hen he has a illumination of an image from his past.Suddenly his holding returns. It is challenging to lot with the emotions he feels after all these months. drop his tools, he strides set run through the road get come along out-of-door from the hospital. What has he remembered? Something is operate him he appears to be facial expression for something.The thresh near is grey-haired and over-cast. I think about my future. pull up s final payments I invariably be whole(predicate) and abandoned. Whats the register in aliment all alone with no family to deal me? commonplace I wished that I had died with my mummy and dad and this is wherefore I make the finis to take an overdose. there was no manoeuver in living any more. No-one would even no that I had gone.I mat myself planless into fainting when circumstantially there was a specter in the doorway. At introductory I had outstanding impediment focussing my look on the name in forepart of me. easily as my eyeball began to see the detail I was able to blot a mans frame. Meanwhile, I clear that it was my father. As my sight begins to dim, I see him scat across the elbow room towards me. He had tears in his eyeball and trickling down his cheeks. He fit(p) his foreman against mine and told me he have intercourse me so oft merely as I took my locomote suggestion I felt up so much regret. I could agree had a happy life again with my family to love me and to be love tho now that entrust never happen.